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发布时间:2023-07-18 05:38责任编辑:陆小强关键词:ps

Les 400 coups, or "The 400 Blows," is a French film directed by Fran?ois Truffaut in 1959. It tells the story of Antoine Doinel, an adolescent boy growing up in Paris during the 1950s. The film follows his struggles with his parents and schoolmates as he tries to find his place in society.

The movie begins with Antoine's mischievous behavior at school getting him into trouble with his teacher and principal. He then gets into more serious trouble when he steals a typewriter from a local store and attempts to sell it for money. After being caught by police, he is sent to reform school where he meets Julien, another troubled youth who becomes his friend and confidant.

Throughout the movie we see how Antoine deals with various issues such as bullying from classmates, parental neglect, poverty and feelings of alienation from society at large. As time passes we also get glimpses of what life was like for young people living in France during this period; their hopes for the future mixed with their fears about what lies ahead.

At its core Les 400 coups is about finding one’s identity amidst difficult circumstances; something that many adolescents can relate to today just as much as they could back then when it first came out over sixty years ago. Despite all of its themes however there are moments throughout which provide lightheartedness such as when Antoine plays hooky from school or goes on adventures around town with Julien exploring places they had never been before together..

Ultimately Les 400 coups serves not only as an entertaining coming-of-age story but also provides insight into some of the difficulties faced by teenagers growing up during this era while still managing to remain hopeful despite them all . This timeless classic has gone on to influence countless other films since its release making it one of cinema’s most beloved works even today


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