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发布时间:2023-06-23 19:15责任编辑:潘小海关键词:大学,美国




密苏里州(Missouri)是美国第24个州,一般被划分在中西部地区之内。密苏里州为美国著名的作家马克吐温(MarkTwain,1835-1910)的故乡,也是他闻名世界之作品汤姆历险记(TheAdventuresofTomSawyer)的故事发生地。 州府:杰佛逊市JeffersonCity  最大城市:堪萨斯市KansasCity(全美最大都会区是圣路易市SaintLouis)


Missouri state is American 24th state, is divided generally in the mid-west area. The Missouri state founded in August 10, 1821, but belonged to the Louis Xi’an to accept buys (Louisiana Purchase) in US from to divide one of new states with in the French new purchase land.Also by the nickname is “state of the rope card” (The “Show Me” State), the Missouri this name origin stems from in the local autochthon Su Zu language “the dugout canoe” the meaning, its zip code abbreviation is MO, capital outstanding Buddha abdicates the city. In the terrain, within the boundaries of the Missouri state majority of all is the gentle plain and the knoll, Missouri River and the Mississippi river flows separately after this state west boundary and east the boundary.The Missouri state is the interior state, its position approaches US’s geography central point extremely (within the boundaries of west State of kansas). In the administrative position, north side the Missouri state with likes the Arab League Chinese state being neighboring, the west side from the north to the south respectively is the Nebraska state, State of kansas and the Oklahoma state, south neighbour Arkansa state, east side by north to south then respectively is the Illinois state, the Kentucky state and the Tennessee state.Within the boundaries of the Missouri state the division is 114 county, with one can the area (saint louis gentleman city). In 2003 the census, the Missouri state had 5,704,484 people.Main city including St. Louis Saint Louis and Kansasi Kansas City. Missouri state race composition greatly slightly as follows: 83.8% Caucasian 11.2% non-lineage American 2.1% Latin American lineage person 1.5% mix race 1.1% Asian-American 0.4% India Yasuhara residents act according to the census, in Missouri state inhabitant ancestor, German (23%) most, next is, the irish person (12.7%), the American (10.5%), the English (9.5%) and the French (3.5%) has 6.6% Missouri state inhabitant age below 5 years old, below 18 years old has above 25.5%,65 years old to have 13.5%.The female accounts for the Quanzhou population ratio is 51.4%.In addition, 2.7% inhabitants are the overseas births, 5.1% inhabitants use outside English in the home the language.In 1997 the Missouri state birth and the death numeral was as follows: Birth 74,037 people; The death 54,322 people (newborn has 564 people). In the Missouri state, 81.3% populations have the high school to graduate the school record (compared to want high compared to American school record average).21.6% inhabitants have above the university the school record. In addition, this state inhabitant may endure the commuting time is 23.8 minutes.In the inhabitant own have the house to account for 70.3% (in investigation to discover, inhabitant may endure house price mean value is $89,900 dollar).Quanzhou’s house residential density is: In 2,194,594 from the dwelling in, a household average lives 2.48 people.In 1999 the investigation demonstrated that, has from the dwelling inhabitant yearly income is equally $37,937 Yuan.This year Missouri state inhabitant’s entire average income is $19,936 Yuan; And the idea has 11.7% populations (637,891 people) to belong to US to receive the residence lowly. ?in the religious religion, the Missouri state population belief proportion is as follows. 67% protestant Protestant 20% Rome Catholic Roman Catholic 2% other Christian religion’s believer Other Christian 0% other religious believer Other Religions 7% non-votary Non-Religious 2/3 Missouri state person is the protestant, the religious sect includes: Lutheran church Lutheran, Methodist Church sends Methodist, baptist church Baptist. In addition, the material also explained in the middle of every five Missouri person, has one is the Roman Catholicism follower, they live in Kansasi and St. Louis. Some many religious organization all is equipped with the headquarters in the Missouri state, (Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) has the headquarters including the Luther religious sect to be located in outside Shengluyi’s Cork Wood Kirkwood, Christian church Nazareth person church Church of the Nazarene (is called Christianity xuan sheng to meet) then sets up the headquarters in Kansasi.Jesus Christ later period disciple church Community of Christ (front is called Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) organization (Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) to suppose with Latter Day the Saints the headquarters outside Kansasi’s independent city Independence.Missouri state spring field city (Springfield) also is the god summons to meet Assemblies of God the headquarters to be at.


密苏里哥伦比亚大学University of Missouri Columbia ?(一)学校简介 ?密苏里哥伦比亚大学成立于1839年,不但是美国密西西比河西岸的第一所公立大学〈the first public university west of the Mississippi River〉;也是美国前总统汤玛士?杰佛逊〈Thomas Jefferson〉在路易斯安那州〈Louisiana〉建立的第一所公立学校。 Mizzou占地1,300公亩,并且校内拥有广大的林地与植物园。该校的重要地标—the Francis Quadrangle,由杰佛逊亲手设计,建于1892年。是全美历史最悠久,规模最大的公立大学,学术声望高,学费合理,素有“公立长春藤名校”的美誉。1908年全世界第一所新闻系所在密苏里大学成立,农学院、工学院也非常知名.密苏里哥伦比亚大学校内有完善的设施,如:计算机教室、图书馆、学生健康中心、数个展览馆、运动设备,如学生休闲中心、重量训练设备、游泳池、网球场与足球场。(二)学科设置 ?农学院;森林、渔业及野生动物学院;文理学院(含生物科学学部);商业和公共管理学院;会计学院;教育学院;工程学院;家政学院;公共和社区服务学院; 社会工作学院;新闻学院;图书馆学和信息科学学院; 护理学院;兽医学院;法学院;医学院。科研机构和实验室:密苏里文化遗产中心;艺术和考古学博物馆;原子核研究反应堆;Dalto研究中心; Sinclair研究农场; 低能级辐射实验室;农业和兽医学研究农场;社会和行为学研究中心;时效中心等。 ?(三)学校优势 ?根据美国财星杂志〈Money Magazine〉与拜伦松的美国大学介绍评鉴〈Barron’s Best Buys in College Education〉,密苏里哥伦比亚大学是美国大学生最适合就读的高学术投资报酬率学校之一〈one of America’s best college buys〉。 这项高投资报酬率,从该校师生比率就可见端倪。根据校方数据,78%的该校大学部大一课程的上课学生人数都被控制在30人以下;而该校的师生比率〈student-faculty ratio〉是19:1。同时,密苏里哥伦比亚大学也是翰森柏大学课程教育杰出奖〈Theodore M. Hesburgh Award for commitment to teaching undergraduates〉的得主,全美仅有11间大学获此殊荣。密苏里哥伦比亚大学的新闻学院是全世界第一所成立的新闻学院,于1908年由瓦特威廉斯〈Walter Williams〉所成立,而威廉斯也因此成为第一任院长。从那时候开始,密苏里哥伦比亚大学的新闻学院就一直被公认为世界知名的学府,培养出许多优秀的新闻从业人员,屡获普立兹奖〈Pulitzer Prizes〉的殊荣,并且在辜曼报告〈Gourman Report 〉的评鉴中占有全美新闻学院前3名的排名。(四)入学要求 ?申请本科要求: 高中毕业证以高中成绩单,托福成绩500分以上, 雅思成绩6.0分以上SAT810分以上或ACT17分以上,GPA2.0以上 (以4.0分为基础)。申请硕士要求有相应的本科学历,TOEFL 600分以上,要求具备较好的GRE成绩;大学GPA 3.0以上。申请MBA的学生要求GMAT650以上,具有2年以上工作经验。 ?(五)学费 ?本科生:学费$16,890;总费用$27,612硕士学费$15,192;总费用$25,914。 ?学校网址:www.missouri.edu




例句:The funeral will be held in Joplin,?Missouri.



1、Missouri?then won a head-to-head tiebreaker with Colorado.


2、In past presidential elections,?Missouri?has been a barometer of the rest of the country.


3、It is a few short blocks from the 66 path through?Missouri.


4、She and her family have been forced to move out of?Missouri, in part because of cyber-attacks.



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